As Karnataka elections are getting near by, it is mere responsibility of every citizen, that they possess voter id card. If not apply for new voter card online. Epic card or color voter id card is what one must possess. If you have one, see it to that there are no changes to be made. If any corrections are there in voter id card, then one must seek for it. This must be done before 10 days of election date or in between. make voter id corrections through online and offline as well.
Eventually, according to election commission, there are 3 corrections in voter id card that can be made
- objection to inclusion of a name in electoral roll – form 7
- correction of particulars entered in electoral roll – form 8
- transposition of entry in electoral roll – form 8A.
How to make voter id corrections in karnataka for objection/inclusion of name of own/other person, due to death/shifting
Form – 7 is the document which is used for
- objecting Inclusion of Name of the other person
- Seeking deletion of Own Name
- Any other Person’s Name
- due to Death/Shifting in Karnataka.
Firstly visit the official ceo website of karnataka
On the homescreen click on option download forms
Click on option form -7
Select forms either in kannada or english
Firstly select the option any one from 3
- I hereby Object to the Proposed Inclusion of the name of the under mentioned person in the electoral roll
- hereby request that entry relating to name of the person mentioned below is required to be deleted
- I request that the entry relating to myself is to be deleted from electoral roll
Fill in the details of the applicant
Fill all the details of proposed person, whose name is to be objected/included/deleted
Place the solid reason for deleting/objecting name of own/other person
After submission, you will receive an acknowledgement receipt
Keep it with you for tracking status of application
How to Make voter id corrections in karnataka Online
Form – 8 is the application form is for any changes to be made in voter id card.
Changes like
- Name
- Photograph
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Age
- Name of Relative
- Type of Relation
- Gender
Download form 8 from official website of Karnataka
Enter all the details carefully
Affix passport size photograph with (3.5 CM X 3.5 CM) in the space provided
Tick on the option which is to be changed
Duly sign and write date and place where you belong to
Submit it along with supported documents
You will receive an acknowledgement receipt
Keep it for tracking the status of application of voter id card
How to make Voter Id Corrections in Karnataka – transposition of entry in electoral roll
Transposition of entry in electoral roll means shifting from one residence to another residence within same constituency. According to law, one must possess only one voter id card, in case of shifting, they must change the address, or apply for a new one.
Log on to ceo website of karnataka
On home screen click on download forms
Select form 8A
This form is for transposition of entry in electoral roll
Enter all the details
Enter current address in the application form
Just sign it and submit it with required documents like address proof
You will be issued new updated voter id card within 20 – 30 days through post
Also read
download voter id card karnataka